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Australia and America probably have a tantamount percentage of old lady coupon hunters, but you folks ain't got NOTHING on us when it comes to how consumerist we mature women tits can get over the most worthless items. As Frankie said above, count your blessings. We Yanks miss our Woolworth's. (See Even so, I still miss my collection of mature women tits Big Little Books and the five and dime where I would play Time Pilot and Robotron mature women tits 2084 with friends over grape soda. 11 · Posted by Ed on September 30, 2002 02:22 AM ed, luckily here in athens, ga., we still have an ice cream counter (at a pharmacy, even). although, it was a huge deal three years ago when the ice cream went up from 25 cents a scoop to 50. i do love my little town. 12 · Posted by ctrent on September 30, 2002 06:34 AM Comment from the UK!
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