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Come in off that ledge my dear and close the windows at once before we all freeze, freeze, freeze. (Eloise) Actually, I am rawther tired, tired, tired. (Eloise) Good night Nanny (Nanny) gige Good night Eloise (Eloise) Oh my gige lord. There's so much to do. Tomorrow I think I'll pour a pitcher of water down the mail chute. Damian 10/16/2005 2:28 PM hummer just came out with a 10000cc motorbike. it's so sweet, it gets 3 miles to the gallon and the seat is made from fresh baby seal! check it out: gige eric (retired) 10/12/2005 9:57 AM Jenn, it's your birthday (as you mentioned just a few times last night) and the time has come for you to be embraced by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Don't be afraid. I'll be there to help you along the path. The path of everlasting life. commander 10/8/2005 12:54 PM i miss this one. Vanessa Mae 10/8/2005 12:27 PM everytime i see you, i get the HUGEST jawboner. Dean Ramos 10/6/2005 11:49 AM All right that last comment I posted was a little embarasing.