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envy my boyfriend.... He was left to his own devices spiritually, and he is SO much more well-adjusted than I am.Maybe I'd be better off now if I had used certain drugs as a teenager. get down on your mother fucking knees I really believe that if I had known about GHB in junior high (I get down on your mother fucking knees was in junior high from 1987-1989 - the FDA removed GHB get down on your mother fucking knees from health food stores in 1989) I think I would be so much better off today.Also, in the 60's, my dad had "marijuana pills" and he wanted to share them with my mom, but she said "you don't need these" and flushed them down the toilet. BAH!I've never heard of marijuna in pill form anywhere else but that anecdote though.--------------------)\._.,--....,'``. /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'