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The car didn't move girls having sex with older men until the seatbelts were on. girls having sex with older men Organic peanut butter is gross. My partner's dad loves the stuff, so we tried it once. Blech. Give me Skippy Super Chunk any day. And, I agree with jen - we don't require you bring the funny every day. Write about the kids' soccer games. What you had for lunch. Your girls having sex with older men favorite cereal. Whatever. We're not picky. Posted by: FlippyO | 2005.09.02 at 02:09 AM Be good to yourself OK Melissa? I always find the second or third blissful week of kids FINALLY back in school more enjoyable. The first few weeks fraught with what they need to get, need to be, and learning to get up early again (ahem, that would be on my part..) Hang in there, just another motherhood adjustment for you. Hoping you are feeling better soon.. Posted by: maia | 2005.09.02 at 02:12 AM aw, crap, i'm sorry that you've had to deal with this, melissa. i mean that in a totally not-knowing-exactly-what-it-is-but-kind-of-getting-it kind of way.