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guitar swings = death!!! :'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-(:'-( good 2 cya the other day man :) Oh! Alex! [xHc] 2/26/2006 3:32 AM Your only as cool as your myspace page/name. Miss J. Smith 2/24/2006 12:30 AM hey cohen good to see sex with older ladies u the other night.. show was fantastic, check u probably next wednesday! xx Kareem Abdul Tranter 2/23/2006 10:36 AM remember sex with older ladies the old days at next? i missed them times. and sex with older ladies hugging and shit. cohen come back into my life! now! lauren. 2/23/2006 6:04 AM smokerrrr grosssssss zeropluszero 2/18/2006 4:41 AM TLC in bayswater March 17, 7pm. $10 entry i think. dunno what other bands are playing, it's a wildflower gig. we might be up on posters and shit as "kryziu kalnas" was our name til we changed it like last week. zeropluszero 2/17/2006 5:40 AM hey dude, i bought the FM212R amp new. $547. so i'll be covered amp wise. man, it's so freaking loud. it's insane. Naresh 2/16/2006 8:43 PM hey man, umm really wanna get my bass guitar and amp back, so would be much appreciated even if u could get it to jamie's and me or dan will pick it up from there asap, thanx mate Josh 2/15/2006 11:13 PM cohen hates you cosmopolitan blood loss.