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John Connor: Enough. Kate Brewster: Well, this is the stuff we use to chemically neuter dogs. Take a look. Terminator: We must reaquire Katherine Brewster. John Connor: Why? mature movie tgp What makes her so godamn important? Terminator: Through her, you make contact with remnants of the U.S. military and learn how to fight Skynet, forming the core of the Resistance. Later your children will become important. John Connor: Whoa. What? Terminator: She's your wife. Scott: Hon? Did you just get in? [believing that he was mature movie tgp talking to Kate, but finds the T-X instead] Kate Brewster: John, what is he saying? John mature movie tgp Connor: Judgment Day. The end of the world. It's today, three hours from now. Terminator: Two hours and fifty-three minutes. Browse titles in the movie quotes section by letter:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other You may report errors and omissions on this page to the IMDb database managers.
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