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MICHAEL L. REED, MD: Any procedure, any product that chronically pulls for long periods of time on the hair shaft, will transmit that tension down into the living root, and will tend to cut wankers over 50 off the blood supply or cause a low level degree of inflammation, and will actually cause the hair to wankers over 50 use up its natural genetic allotment of hair growth and resting cycles, and it'll be gone prematurely, and it won't grow back after a long time. It wankers over 50 will just be replaced by little fibrous tract. Tight rollers, tight ponytail hairstyles, excessive brushing and combing, pulling, consciously or unconsciously, and cornrowing or braiding, those type of hairstyles, are all not advisable. LISA CLARK: There's a myth that washing your hair is not a good thing.