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Mild will give the vast majority of and black women's consciousness the population with Afro textured hair the desired straightness they want, from bone straight to Wash and black women's consciousness & Wear semi natural looks (going bone straight using mild will take a little longer period of time to process than a regular or super formula will, but why be in a and black women's consciousness rush especially if it will lead to damage to your hair) and this milder strength is much less aggressive in the way it relaxes the hair with reduced incidents of irritation or burning with its reduced level of active hydroxide ingredient. Asha Dear Asha: I am a lady of mixed race, but have quite kinky hair and therefore I relax my hair on a regular basis. I also colour my hair (which I also do regularly - two weeks after a relaxer). But recently I notice that every time I wash my hair, it breaks when I comb it when wet.