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Even the youngest girls in Greenfield's gritty, gorgeous portraits are far too busy dressing up like Barbie dolls to play with them. By body contouring Jessica Reaves (TIME) Accompanying the photos are essays from the girls themselves -- from an 11-year-old body contouring at fat camp to a long-term anorexic to a group of seventh-graders getting ready for a party, the shared thread is the desire to be beautiful. Beauty is everything. Greenfield's portraits reveal the disturbing hunger, the need to be desired, even objectified, that typifies the lives of these ordinary girls. In one of the essays, pin-up queen Cindy Margolis says, body contouring "It just kills me when these girls look at magazines and wish they could look like that. I try to tell them, 'Nobody looks like that.' " Dorothy Woodend (Vancouver Sun) The 21st Century is an empire of images. We are preoccupied with appearances that are shaped and pored through the lambent vessel of the camera’s lens.