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troops were deployed for a feminist goal, so Afghan girls could go to school." This is how out of touch Ms. Wolf is: Instead of seeing Laura Bush as a woman who’s simply who she is, she sees "a moderate, mainstream feminist makeover." health & personal care That’s because women like Wolf can only appreciate the hackneyed health & personal care opinions of somebody health & personal care like Teresa Heinz Kerry--opinions pretty much bought in toto from sophisticated "thinkers" like Ms. Wolf--and when they meet somebody who is more in harmony with the American people, they can only regard her as really phony or really weird. You see, for Ms. Wolf, women like Mrs. Bush are strange, alien creatures, while Teresa is just your average billionaire heiress next door, not weird at all. It is quite telling that Ms. Wolf compares Ms. Bush’s "gentle, Xanax-like demeanor, her faultless librarian’s poise and sincerity," unfavorably to the "the imperious sexuality of Teresa Heinz Kerry."