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"The fact is, Bush never steps out of his regular-guy character. Far from being a detriment, his mangled sentences add to his just-folks persona. When he stumbles using the word older version litigious, he stops, theatrically, older version to define older version it, as if he just learned the fancy phrase. Compared with Kerry, with his comma-studded perorations, such a down-home fella must be honest." Feel condescended to, ladies? Posted by: Charlotte Hays | Link to this Entry | 9/30/2004 9:06 AM Banned Books Week--Yeah, Sure! I’m usually a major fan of Erin O’Connor, an English professor at the University of Pennsylvania (she’s on leave this year) whose blog, Critical Mass, tracks politically correct heavy-handedness at our nation’s colleges and universities: professors being denied tenure because they’re not left-wing enough, and so forth.