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Over, or under, production of hormones can form sebaceous plugs comprised perms of follicular debris. The sebaceous gland also sends sebum into the perms hair follicle which is the place where the Deinodex Folliculorum, a microscopic organism that infests the hair follicle and feeds on sebum, can live. This mite lives and dies in the follicle promoting follicle deterioration, perms hair miniaturization and hair loss. It is covered in sebum, which fools immune system into not recognizing the mite. ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLE A small fan-shaped smooth muscle located at the base of each hair that contracts when the body surface is chilled or stimulated thus erecting the hair, compressing the oil gland above each muscle, and producing the appearance of goose bumps. The muscle gives support to the hair follicle and direction to the hair shaft. The Arrector Pili Muscle is what makes your hair stand on end when you're frightened or excited. dermatological structure of the hair... 1. Epidermis 2.