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November 5, 2003 Reviewer: A customer Thanks to everyone else for their detailed and helpful reviews that convinced me to buy this! Wasn't even looking for it - it showed up in my Gold Box and I was curious. Used it on my legs 3 days ago - yes it hurt some, over 50 chat but it wasn't that bad. Electrolysis is much more painful to me. About the over 50 chat same pain or even less than waxing. After 3 days, my legs are about the same as they were when I first did it - and I have stubbly, coarse, fast over 50 chat growing hair. I have a feeling over time of using the product that it's going to be even a lot better. I got up the courage to do my underarms last night after letting them grow out for 3 days. It hurt but I kept breathing and it was over relatively quickly.