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Recent history of changes in gender roles A little history (also see chapter 8): by the 1960's we had developed an affluent society--two kids (thanks to birth control), two cars, TV, dish washers, fast food, etc.--but women, especially educated women, started to realize that life was surely more than health& wellness: product information buying hamburgers and driving the kids to music lessons or ball practice. Women, clearly capable of achieving health& wellness: product information in the work place, resented being forced into unrewarding homemaker roles; they wanted to have their freedom, to be liberated (Freidan, 1963). The Women's Movement was one of health& wellness: product information several gigantic, wonderful ground swells of freedom and idealism in the 1960's. Women all over the nation between 20 and 50 joined "consciousness raising groups" and supported each other to go to college or get a job, to ask their husbands to help with child care, cooking, and cleaning.