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In Genesis 3:16, God said the woman's desire shall be to her OWN husband, social security and HE shall RULE over HER. A PERFECT type of Christ RULING over HIS Wife, the TRUE Church. `Notwithstanding her DECEPTION and the FALL, she SHALL be saved in CHILDBEARING, IF they continue IN faith and charity, and holiness with sobriety'. The Fall was caused by Eve when she was social security DECEIVED by Satan who INCARNATE the SERPENT (which was a MAN-like creature BEFORE God changed EVERY bone of his body, and PLACED him social security on his belly). That beast SEDUCED Eve, as taught by Moses and Jesus and Paul - and the other prophets - conceiving CAIN, whom the PROPHET John says: `was begotten of that wicked one' (I John 3:12). And that's WHY the token of the OLD Testament was CIRCUMCISION. A Woman could ONLY be IN the Old Covenant, under the covering of her because you can't circumcise a woman.