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IDENTIFYING WITH CLIENTS.  For those unfamiliar with intricacies of the business, there's a surprising variety of hair-styling techniques and types of hair available. They run the gamut from synthetic hair (low end) to so-called European hair, which is natural, untreated hair. That doesn't come cheap: A full head of medium-length natural hair extensions costs around $2,000. Integrating a hair piece for the top of the news photos head news photos with a woman's natural hair starts at $1,600. The cost -- and the wait of up to 12 weeks for a news photos hair piece to be made -- doesn't seem to stop PK Walsh's clients, who particularly like that the salon's owner and successor-in-waiting can relate to their struggles. "They understand what it's like, they can identify with me," says 50-year-old Nancy, a Boston resident whose hair began thinning more than 15 years ago.
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