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DHT is made in the body by both permanent makeup men and women and new research has proven that this hormone is responsible for the progressive miniaturisation of the hair follicle. Under the suppressive effects of DHT hair loss increases and the hair follicles become thinner and finer permanent makeup until the hair is permanently lost. This condition is known as Male/Female Pattern Hair Loss or Androgenetic Alopecia. 1. Testosterone is converted to DHT by 5AR permanent makeup Enzyme 2. DHT attaches to the Androgen Receptors 3. DHT causes increased hair loss and gradual miniaturization of the follicle 4. The miniaturized hair follicle eventually dies and hair loss occurs Testosterone 5 Alpha Reductase Enzyme Revivogen DHT Androgen Receptor Surprisingly, DHT is the major cause of hair loss in women as well. Fortunately for women, oestrogen and progesterone protect the hair follicle from the destructive effects of DHT. However, many women develop female pattern hair loss and thinning hair due to increased DHT production and fluctuations of oestrogen levels which occur with age or after menopause.