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Updated 3/06/06_________________~*~Leslie~*~ Dh, Corey Constance 6/96 Kryslyn 11/98 And Piper 9/01 Everything happens for a reason, that's the Magick of Life. It might not folicle make sense to you right away, but there is a reason for make you a stronger, better person. You will understand in the end. (by me)Last edited by CharmedMom3LittleMonkeys on Mon Mar 06, folicle 2006 12:56 pm; edited 4 times in total Back to top tworexboysContributorJoined: 29 Jul 2002Posts: 14Location: Parked on my butt in folicle front of my computer Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 1:26 pm Post subject: Hello. My name is Dana, and I introduced myself week before last and then went off to the beach and a Women of Faith conference and haven't been able to post since. I'm computer challenged, so I don't know how to enclose a picture, but here's my bio: I'm 23, married to DH Nate (26) with two boys; Joshua Martin 2.25.00