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I want petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official to thank you for choosing to share so much of your personal life with so many you don't know. Posted by: Nicole | 2005.09.03 at 12:26 AM Melissa! You're wicked pissah! I love your blog. Don't be blue about being a little blue (although I know how that goes...) Your recent, more pensive petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official posts have been really petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official beautiful-- particularly your thoughts about Madison and what she's overcome growing from a baby to a little girl. The end of summer can be rough in all kinds of ways. On top of which, you've been blogging more in other venues, which might take a while to adjust to. Don't worry; we all think you rock! Posted by: roo | 2005.09.03 at 12:30 AM Melissa, I was reading this post about the hippy family and loving it, then reading your angst at the end, and feeling simultaneously bad for you and anxious for me that you might suddenly go on hiatus (a la chezmiscarriage).