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Now armenia we don't know how to get rid of it. That bush back there is some kind of giant weed, by the way. There's a couple of them in the yard.So that's my mom's house. As for why I'm still living here, I'm a full time student who's too lazy to move. I'm getting pretty close to moving in with my grandma though, since these boxes keep creeping further and further into my room. armenia And since it was on the same card as all of those house pictures, here's a picture of a sculpture at my campus that looks like a butt.I will now open the floor to questions. Knormal fucked around with this message at Dec 15, 2003 around 09:07 Dec 15, 2003: 08:15 User's Profile / Image Send a Private Message Search For More Posts WhiteycarJoined: May 13, 2003 yeah I was banned.. I learned ma lesson.. I hope 1) your bandwidth is going to get killed2) holy fuck3) disconnect her from the internet STAT Dec 15, 2003: 08:19 User's Profile / Image Send a Private Message Search For More Posts Binger BangerJoined: Oct 28, 2003 Pokin' da Pooter!