CLAP! If you're happy name 1977 in sports

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CLAP! If you're happy and you know it, then your face will really show it! :) If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!" THUNDEROUS applause to me and to you, but 1977 in sports we have to stop singing now; it's nap time. I HATE YOU. NOW AND ALWAYS. GOOD-BYE FOREVER, MOTHER (you certainly aren't a father) FUCKER!!! **** [To those of you who could see own lack of maturity 1977 in sports and accountability in the relationship, you are more well than I. To those of you who 1977 in sports were entertained by this rant and rave, you are just as deranged and demented as I. To those of you who want to meet my ex in order to have sex or get pot, you are more sick than I. To those of you who can empathize with my view, LOVE AND PEACE. To those of you who were disgusted and offended by the content of this rant, GET OUT OF THIS FORUM AND GO TO HELL...and play fucking patty-cake with my ex.]
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