larry david, punchthem, writing, my, carmela soprano, howard fong, new jersey, gay, name, herbie ade, 1979 in sports, eminemlyrics, anything, palestinian, bryan gordon, autechre, tommylasorda, margo winkler,
I'm sick of you always thinking to know what's best for me, dog. You're ain't my fucking father. I'm a grown man. Future: Look, Jimmy. Jimmy Smith Jr: Look, Jimmy, nothing. Fuck you. I told you not to fucking sign me up. Future: What the fuck, you wanna fight me now, huh? Future: [to Jimmy] You know what, do what the fuck you wanna do, 'cause I don't give a shit any more. adam lefevre DJ Iz: That's why brothers need to sign themselves a deal. I'm telling adam lefevre you record labels supply adam lefevre niggers with the kind of benefits they need. Sol: Dawg. We sign us a deal you can take the motherfucking benefits, we're talking Bentley's and Benjamins not Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Future: Look to tell you all niggers the truth, I don't give a fuck about none of that. I just wanna hit 31 and a 3rd on the box you know what I'm saying? One of them strong songs on JOB.