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There were people waiting on line for three to four hours to register. That's peter edmund just ludicrous. It's the same thing year after year so they obviously know "a metric fuckload of people are going to show up", so how can they not staff for it? Ah, well, I'll be there next year, guaranteed. Posted by Dredd at peter edmund 07:44 PM | Permalink July 27, 2003 GenCon Days Two and Three Wow... I'm old. It's been a while since I tried to go more peter edmund than one day in a row on less than four hours sleep, and it kicked me in the ass. Friday, 08:00 a.m. Diplomacy Tournament, Qualifier Round (again) - After deciding "I got my ass kicked yesterday," I decided to see if I could swap out my "Intro to Diplomacy" session (Which I'd signed up for in order to have a "fun" no-pressure Diplomacy game I wouldn't necessarily be under pressure to qualify with) for another go in the qualifying round.