trans, puff daddy, skins, danny, italian mafia, gangsters, denis leary, justinsimoni, fontana labs, algieria, thearistocrats, satire, turkish, matt dillon, banco de gaia, 1956 in sports, steve, lions gate, larry david,
(Score:5, Funny) bandnames by Haeleth (414428) <{haeleth} {at} {}> on Tuesday February 21, @12:33PM (#14769026) ( Consider this. "Pen" is an ok word, "Island" is ok too. So I want to celebrate Pen Island with a domain name... bandnames Oops?The classic real-world example of that being when the Italian company Powergen created a website with the perfectly bandnames obvious name of "PowergenItalia". [ Parent ] Re:Secondary filters? by Maow (Score:1) Tuesday February 21, @04:42PM Re:Secondary filters? by fatmal (Score:1) Tuesday February 21, @06:11PM WANG CARES? by Rastan_B2 (Score:1) Tuesday February 21, @11:59PM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Secondary filters? by jason8 (Score:1) Tuesday February 21, @06:37PM Re:Secondary filters? by stuuf (Score:2) Tuesday February 21, @11:45PM Re:Secondary filters?