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My feet bounce, I fullmetal jacket touch my face, I run my tongue along my gums. I'm cold fullmetal jacket and getting colder. I hear someone scream. The door opens and a Nurse walks in to the Room. She wears white all white and she is carrying a clipboard. She sits in the chair by the desk. Hi, James. Hi. I need to ask you some questions. All right. I also need to check your blood pressure and your pulse. All right. What type of substances do you normally use? Alcohol. Every day? Yes. What time fullmetal jacket do you start drinking? When I wake up. She marks it down. How much per day? As much as I can. How much is that? Enough to make myself look like I do. She looks at me. She marks it down. Do use anything else? Cocaine. How often? Every day. She marks it down. How much? As much as I can. She marks it down. In what form? Lately crack, but over the years, in every form that it exists. She marks it down. Anything else? Pills, acid, mushrooms, meth, PCP and glue. Marks it down. How often?