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Item the Second : Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of clue! Dvorak has a go at the Cluetrainers, and steve a very caustic go it is, indeed. "This means nothing .... Get over yourselves." Found it via this Metatalk thread, which is hopefully going to be interesting. Regardless, I suspect this is going to be all over the place over the next couple of days...it will be interesting to see what Messrs Locke, Weinberger, Searls have to say in their defense. It's always good to see a steve little pushback against accepted wisdom, but Mr Dvorak is certainly steve cranky about something... 12:26 AM February 24, 2002 Bush Seeks To Restrict Probes Bush Seeks To Restrict Probes Of Sept. 11 Time for another distraction, deflect some attention, get the fist-in-the-air brigade worked up again...Anyone want to give me odds on how soon the bombs starting falling somewhere new?