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At the same time as withdrawing from these treaties, the Bush administration initially withdrew from the political process with North Korea designed by former President Bill Clinton, and which had rolled back but not entirely removed North Korea's nuclear and missile programmes. [more...] [via OW] It's cliché already to invoke 1984 when talking about these worthless turdfellaters in Washington, but it's hard not to do so these days. Watching CNN from a hotel at saudi arabia Narita airport in saudi arabia Japan last week, I was amused by the response to their 'question of the day'. 'Which country poses the saudi arabia greatest threat to world peace?' they asked, and invited phone calls and emails in response. Hours afterwards, the proportion of respondants nominating 'The United States' was still running around 70%, they told us, falling over each other in their efforts to tell us again that this result 'did not necessarily reflect our opinions.'