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He'd gotten back to me wordssong lyrics mannie fresh pussy power unknown that all he'd seen were solid performers. The company built their stuff to last. Yeah, they sure did, I told him. That was the last on the Net, because on wordssong lyrics mannie fresh pussy power unknown November 21st, the Internet was no longer there. So all that was left was the Muntz and the Sony, two halves of the same reality, drawing closer and closer with every tick of the clock. On November 22nd, at around two o'clock in the afternoon, New York time, I watched the Kennedy motorcade roll through downtown wordssong lyrics mannie fresh pussy power unknown Dallas, and the lethal bullets hit Jackie Kennedy and John Connelly instead of JFK. Jackie and her pink dress painted black, the red door painted black, I want to paint it black. John Kennedy survived the assassination attempt and the country mourned the loss of the First Lady and the Governor of Texas.