Ed Exley: His blood ed o'ross gay

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Ed Exley: His blood is always up. Captain Dudley Smith: Then perhaps you should stay away from him altogether. Sid Hudgens: Are you tight with the DA, Jackie? Jack Vincennes: gay Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. He tried to gay throw me off the force last Christmas as a little joke. Captain Dudley Smith: You're a bit of a puzzlement to me these days, Wendell. You don't seem to be your old cruel self anymore. And I had such grand plans for your gay future. Sid Hudgens: He's on a night train to the big adios. [White catches a parolee beating his wife] Wife Beater: Who in the hell are you? Bud White: The ghost of Christmas past. Why don't you dance with a man for a change? Wife Beater: What are you, some kind of smart ass? [tries to attack Bud] Bud White: [after beating up and handcuffing the wife beater] You'll be out in a year and a half. I'll get cozy with your parole officer. You touch her again, I'll have you violated on a kiddie raper beef. Bud White: [grabs wife beater by the head] You know what they do to kiddie rapers in Quentin, don't ya?
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