God bless you, J. and the space between black and white. 1981 in sports

hbo, 1981 in sports, 1976 in sports, beta blocker, phillip nicoll, 1954 in sports, damascus, lebanon, 1982 in sports, wordssong lyrics 2pac whats my name unknown, frank sivero, theref, by and the space between black and white. fabooj on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 11:59:45 AM PDT [ Parent ]  It is and the space between black and white. a title (none / 0) A title, like "Dr." or "Mr", defines a person in relation to universal archetypes. She is a mother, not a person, and only then will she have the power and moral authority to challenge the ruler.  As a person, she is nothing.  As a mother, she has the moral authority of all mothers through the ages. "Every normal man must be tempted at times to and the space between black and white. spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." - H.L. Mencken by dataguy on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:05:14 AM PDT [ Parent ]  Is she a nun? (none / 1) That's what I thought when you said "Mother Sheehan."   The only other time I can use "Mother" in a title and not have it sound weird is "Mother Earth."
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God bless you, 1981 in sports J. O'Connor. by xanthe on Sat 1981 in sports Aug 13, 2005 at 08:04:48 AM PDT [ Parent ]  Thank you! (none / 0) I adore my son, but referred to as "Mother" or worse "Mom" by people who aren't my son has irritated me since his preschool days. I've tried to explain this to friends who had kids and they never got it. 1981 in sports They thought it was "cute." I believe what makes CINDY'S story so compelling is that it is not framed. The diarist should have more faith in her. by anotherCt Dem on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 09:47:54 AM PDT [ Parent ]  Glad I'm not the only one (none / 1) Everyone here calls me "Mama" and I detest it.  I know my name can be hard to pronounce, but these are my friggin' friends.  When I saw "Mother Sheehan", my skin crawled.  Not only for the rudeness factor, but I had images of The Stand and Mother Abigail in that story.   So many people complain, always talk about change yo but what's your contribution to life?-J5
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