Kovic: Fuck you, Willie.Willie: autechre martin scorsese

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Kovic: Fuck you, Willie.Willie: I'm serious man. It ain't about burnin' the flag and Vietnam, man. While we fight for rights over there, we ain't got no martin scorsese rights at home. It's about Detroit and Newark, man. martin scorsese It's about racism, man.Ron Kovic: Is that right?Willie: Because you can't get no job at home. Vietnam is a white man's war, a rich man's war.Ron martin scorsese Kovic: (contemptuously) Where's my money?Willie: I'm serious, man, you gotta read some books. There's a revolution going on, Kovic. Brothers are gettin' it together, and if you ain't part of the solution, man, then you're part of the problem.Chaplain: How are you?weaklypauseRon Kovic: (weakly) Yeah.Chaplain: I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. You brught nothing into this world, and it is certain that you will take nothing out of it.
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