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Question number two: Should I bring my husband and then go on and on about how I'd take the dildocam over him any day? Posted by: Christina at Mar 10, 2004 3:59:34 PM I have no uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix but I've been feeling really sick lately, brests hurt, nausea , is it possible that I'm pregnant? Even though I've never had my period and all I have is ovaries? name Posted name by: sam at Jan 8, 2005 12:07:37 PM Post a comment Name: Email Address: URL: Remember personal info? Comments: name Monday's ANNOYANCES! What annoys you? Some store clerk? A corporation? Your wife? Your husband? Your mother in law? Your kids? A whole lot of annoyances came in so if yours hasn't appeared yet pls be patient. ----------------------------------------------------------- People who write off stupid behavior as being a product of a young age.