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Have we? Sergeant Horvath: That's quite a view. Captain Miller: Yes it is. Quite a view. Lieutenant Dewindt: FUBAR. Private Reiben: FUBAR. Sergeant Horvath: FUBAR. Captain Miller: FUBAR Private Jackson: Y'all got that right. Corporal Upham: I looked up fubar in the German dictionary and there's no fubar in here. Corporal Upham: Uh, Caparzo, right? Private Caparzo: Hey Corporal, drop dead! gothic pics And another thing, whenever you salute the Captain gothic pics you make him an open target for the Germans so don't do it, especially when I'm standing near him! Private Jackson: gothic pics I wouldn't venture out there fellas. This sniper's got talent. Private Reiben: You know what that song reminds me of? It reminds me of Mrs. Rachel Troubowitz and what she said to me the day I left for basic. Mellish: What, don't touch me? Private Reiben: No, Mrs.
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