Outrage nerve fried…. no andy ackerman hard rock feeds

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Outrage nerve fried…. no outrage left… Comments (4) Tuesday, February 28th 2006 Bought and paid for posted @ 3:17 pm in hard rock feeds [ what's wrong with people? - Kakistocracy - What oil problem? - More Fun in the Free Market - Wingnuts - A Smashing Little War ] forwarded without hard rock feeds comment: SUPREME COURT The Supreme Court has tossed out a lawsuit that accused two oil companies of inflating gasoline prices by at least a hard rock feeds (b) billion dollars. Justices unanimously ruled gas distributors didn’t prove ChevronTexaco and Shell violated antitrust laws. The joint venture started in 1998 and ended four years ago. In the court’s decision, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that the companies had a legal partnership. And he said the joint venture’s pricing decisions don’t “fall within the narrow category of activity” that’s illegal. Distributors filed a class-action lawsuit in California accusing the oil companies of using the partnership to fix gasoline prices.
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