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donna holgate, sincity, house, john scurti, relationship, alternative, applications, hbo, 1981 in sports, 1976 in sports, beta blocker, phillip nicoll, by Ally • Monday January 23, 2006 at 10:15 PM To the guy who calls himself a GUARDIAN, you know the one who wrote that long ass essay about his o-so depth in this subject. One, i dont understand why you news have to join a group that has been known so long as a hate group. Second, who are you to talk about MEASELY 145 years. How can you possibly begin to comprehend what people had to deal news witht then and now. Yea news i have to admitt that it was a long time ago, and persoanly i dont spend my time thinking about poor me wa wa(--->maybe one because im not and im happy with my life an i dont spend it comparing myself to people that i dont even know personaly). I feel like you have real potential and like how you took time to think about both side. A question, How can you begin to judge a whole race with a few Africans that you have met(comparing to the whole poplulation)?
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poor ass alternative mother alternative fuckers get a gob instead of selling that texas tea please come to oxford and i hope they fuckin kill you dumb ass niggers just wait its a matter of time before we reunit and you fuckers will piss your pants. Then we will be able to live in HARMONY KKK add your comments Get a life? by alternative Ally • Monday January 23, 2006 at 09:19 PM Well to tell you the truth, i think you need a more productive hobby. Honeslty, do you have nothing else to do than to think up ways of how to make peoples lives miserable. Get over it, no one is as old fashion thinking anymore. I take in comfort of thinking that being black AND woman i probaly have lived more and done more than you will ever do with your whole life. I feel sorry for you people, maybe one day you'll realize that you have nothing and won't ever be anything than pathetic losers. A message from me to you, so maybe you'll wake up and do something with your sad lives. add your comments Are you joking??
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