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I am a sad and pathetic excuse for wordssong lyrics ja rule i'll f___ u girl (skit) unknown a human being for writing this or even THINKING about it. I CAN'T HELP IT! HE REALLY TURNS ME ON! in more ways than one. i like wordssong lyrics ja rule i'll f___ u girl (skit) unknown him...very...very..much... that brightened up my day5:58 AM - add eprops - add comments - email itNext 5 >> False xanga - your site - terms of use - privacy - jobs - help empty's Blurty Entries [entries|friends|calendar] empty [ userinfo | blurty userinfo ] [ wordssong lyrics ja rule i'll f___ u girl (skit) unknown calendar | blurty calendar ] uhhhh [22 Aug 2005|12:37pm] I am tired. I decided to do that thing for adam I just didn't know it would take me 3 weeks. The weird thing is he practically is Kevin Smith, hell! He is Kevin Smith. They are the exact same person. Well if you watch Degrassi and Saw the Episodes that is exactly how Adam acts.