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Fuck it! [continues to break the door down] Chucky: [after killing Britney Spears] "Oops, I did it again!" Jennifer Tilly: Hell would be ending up on an episode of Celebrity Fear Factor in a worm eating contest with Anna Nicole Smith! Joan: In which you would win... [knocks Redman out] Tiffany: Pig. [turns to Jennifer Tilly] Tiffany: And you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Where's your self-respect? You know what my mother used to say about dirty girls? She said, "You can always smell it on girls who sell it." [holds up a pen and a sheet of paper] Tiffany: Oh, by the way, Miss Tilly, can I have your autograph? I'm a big fan. [after running off a Britney look alike off the road] Chucky: Oops! I did it again. [laughs maniacally] Chucky: We're not from Japan! We're from Jersey! Tiffany: What's your name? Glen: Shitface. Chucky: [snort] Joan: You're prostituting yourself to play the Virgin Mary!
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