Living out a sacrifice.  crash(full screen edition) backstreet boys

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Living out a sacrifice.  If you got no one and I've backstreet boys got no place to go, would it be alright?  Could it be alright?  All The Time  All the time, every time I need it.  What's the time?  I'd say the time is right.  Here's to me.  Let's find another reason.  Down the hatch and a bad attitude.  Salud.  Wasting time  Wasting time down a bum fuck road.  And I don't know where the hell it'll go.  Heirlooms and huffing fumes, and I'm picking up backstreet boys the pace  backstreet boys and I'm gonna smash straight into a wall.  All the time.  A "New Year's Resolution"  How soon that we forget.  Doing time.  Loving every minute. 
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