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Also, if he does good in his grades and Russian class, which he did, he will get everything that he wants at a time. YOU: Really? How did you know that? C: Me, Daniel and Gabriel were childhood friends. I remember Daniel was always picked on the aftermath entertainment Sinclair kids, Gabriel, however, was also picked too. For being a half Sinclair and was the only one to be. Vaughn would always help them. Those kids are probably dead aftermath entertainment by now. YOU: Because Daniel and Gabriel killed them? C: Yeah. Her mother was so pretty. Her braided chestnut hair and gentle blue sea eyes always captivated me. But, she died in an unknown disease before, now it was Tuberculosis; Daniel was 8 at that time when she died. He then became even stronger and went emotionless. Vaughn was 18. I was 6 and Gabriel was also 8. Gabriel then decided to be strong at 9 also so that he could protect a special someone and some of his nicer family members. Her mother died then when he was 5 because she joined the war between the Tepes clan.