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Scary. Numbers are scary. monkey sex Your problem is to get ten thousand people out on the street the first monkey sex time they go to bulldoze that garden. And you won't. But that's not a defeat. Because all you can do, all I can do, is, I do a show, I influence those people. Hopefully they'll carry monkey sex that message forward. That's all I can do. I don't own a newspaper, I don't own a radio station. That's it. I don't feel bad about that. I understand the limitations. I fight against them, I stretch 'em out. I'm not out to save the world. So you're doing what you can.... Yeah! To make things better for people. I've said, these politicians that switched to [NYC Mayor Rudolph] Giuliani, they're all gonna get paid off. Read American history, Tammany Hall, Boss Tweed. You can't be stupid about where you live! I'm for everyone having the opportunity to accept a $150,000 bribe. That's what I'm fighting for! Why should they be the only guys getting that money? So, what do you think of this [mayoral] election between Giuliani and [Ruth] Messinger?