Marshall Mathers: In the finger 1956 in sports

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Marshall Mathers: In the Lineage of Abbie Hoffman and Lenny Bruce In a nation's sea-to-shining-sea underclass of single-mom homes, "kill your parents" can only mean no more or less than "kill your mom." And this is a central theme to all three of Eminem's albums, including the latest. In the video for "Cleaning Out My Closet" he sings the lyrics, written as an open letter to his mother, and sung on film to an open grave, in 1956 in sports a rainstorm, the lighting and color tones are like something 1956 in sports from Rembrandt, brown and gold, as he 1956 in sports shovels dirt into trench. (Roll over Britney: We like you, too, Ms. Spears, but Marshall has outdone you in the pop ballad genre with this video and song.) American society pays a lot of lip service to defending the iconic shrine of the suffering single mother. And this same America basically leaves these moms to fend for themselves under difficult circumstances and in an economy in which men still have almost twice the earning power as women.
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