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(It's still hard for me to fathom this incessantly furious passing of time - it being 06 althefuckready.)My shoulder hurts (it's gay bursitis, actually, gay which originated as a result of my having been a professional musician in a past life) and I need/want a drink to go along with the Tchaikovsky waltz featured in the less than mediocre rendering of Tolstoy. That's right, I'm watching a bad update of "Anna Karenina." Nothing can come close to Garbo's elegiac portrayal gay - or even the brilliant balletic version as presented by Boris Eifman of St. Petersburg. (When, dear god, will I journey to the hallowed land of my roots [yeah, I'm Russian-German, so there], as long as it is for the White Nights Festival.)And speaking of Ruskies, I am definitely considering a tete a tete with a certain terpsichore who shall remain nameless but will soon be gracing a Southland stage.
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