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Say whatever the fuck you want to say about me. I won't mind. NameComments22Brian DunlopI howard fong dont even know my own name, Im so fulla shit! I sniff glue and try to lure kids into mywoodland shack, where me and grandpa arnold fuckgoats21Brian DunlopNo, wait Brian Joesph Dunlop is 46 years old andI'm 14 years old.20Brian DunlopTo Tanya: Holy shit. howard fong Lol. That isanother Brian Dunlop. My name is Brian PaulDunlop, but his name is Brian Joesph Dunlop. Heis also much older than me because I'm 14years old and he is 38 years old.19Brian Dunloplibbsy loo in live howard fong in the usa they live in theusayou live in a fucking little shitty councilhouse on a run down estate where you suck chavcock in exchange for crack18Libbsy Looi hate u brian.u dnt live next door to the bepcos 1 of my bessies knows taboo nd the band nd iam gna meet them soon nd they dnt live newherenear u so stop saying u do u big fat lier.i