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a natural 20. He then guy torry turns to Pan, flips him a double-salute with one finger per hand, and tells him what particular biological act he should go do with himself. Pan decides that anyone who can survive a Kill should get a little respect, and he left. It's not every night you get to see someone flip off guy torry a deity and survive. Posted by Dredd at 02:55 AM | Permalink | Comments (6) July guy torry 24, 2003 Right To Privacy As A Defendant So the sports world is all abuzz about Kobe Bryant. What really seems to have it abuzz lately, though, is a talk-show host revealed the identity of the accuser. People are berating the talk-show host, etc., etc., for doing it. The host is taking flak for daring to state publicly that maybe the accused might be innocent.
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