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If you honestly think that Cindy is going to galvanize people to your side vincent d'onofrio by saying "YES, lets get out of Iraq NOW, because vincent d'onofrio Bush is a liar and the downstreetmemos prove it, and we still don't know what happened on 9/11!!" then you are waaaay too close to Cindy's mentality. "The president works for the American people. If he can hold himself above account to one of America's Finest Moms, he can hold himself beyond reproach to any of us." This is completely funny coming from the party that didn't want Paula Jones to vincent d'onofrio have her day in court. From the exact same party that dissed Juanita Broaddrick when she said that Clinton had raped her. Holding the president accountable? Yeah... right. Call me when you believe in that. "Even other Republicans. Oh, you don't think you have actual influence with this president, do you? " I have much more influence with the president then you, because I: voted for him like him. and don't spend my days trying to get him out of office Here's a secret: GWB isn't going to listen to the opinion of those who want to impeach him, and who have been gunning for him to be impeached since the day he was elected.