Ray turned down Stone's adam baldwin monkey sex

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Ray turned down Stone's many requests to help in the movie. Manzarek has since said that the movie is a horrible account of the history of the band.Kilmer wore special contact lenses that made his pupils seem dilated in the scenes where Morrison was stoned.Closeup shots use Kilmer's voice, long distance monkey sex shots use Morrison's."Mr Mojo Risin" is an anagram of "Jim Morrison".John Densmore (The monkey sex Doors drummer) played the recording engineer for Morrison's solo session.Bramlett, Bonnie (of 60's group Delaney and Bonnie) played the bartender.The poem that Jim Morrison is reading at the opening of monkey sex the film is actually two selections from his book of poetry "An American Prayer": "Awake Ghost Song" and "Awake". It is the same book that Jim gives to his bandmates at the end of the film. The musical version of An American Prayer was not, however, recorded by the surviving members of the Doors until several years after Morrison's death.Prior
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