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Do you know yemeni what that is, Beth? That's the point in a journey where it's more difficult to go back to the beginning. It's like when those astronauts got in trouble. I don't know, somebody messed up, and they had to get them back to Earth. But they had passed the point of no return. They yemeni were on the other side of the moon and were out of contact for like hours. Everybody waited to see if a bunch yemeni of dead guys in a can would pop out the other side. Well, that's me. I'm on the other side of the moon now and everybody is going to have to wait until I pop out. Beth: The police are here. Bill Foster: Did you know, Beth, that in some South American countries it's still legal to kill your wife if she insults you? Panhandler: That's a hell of a way to treat a vet, man. Bill Foster: You're an animal doctor? Panhandler: No, a vet.