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Of course, we all know you won't do that. You'd piss your burlap underware if you actually had to "EARN" your living! You goddamn brown leach! The bottem line, "Pedro", is that if you wetbacks were all you claim, then your home countries wouldn't be cesspools of filth, palestine violence and abject ignorance. Mexico, and all Latin-American countries are corrupt failures because they're filled with brown, sub-human piles palestine of garbage like you. So shove it up your ass, you squat-legged border-jumper! add your comments open your eyes by we need help • Monday March 20, 2006 at 10:04 AM palestine I have sat here and read many of these comments, and it seems to me that no one is opening their eyes. I believe that there are some "bad" blacks and some "bad" whites and any other race you can think of, there are going to be people who are closed minded and racist about anything and everything thoes are the people who actually care about this.