An Afghan man who george c. wolfe teen

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An Afghan man teen who recently admitted he converted to Christianity faces the death penalty under the country’s strict Islamic legal system. The trial is a critical test of Afghanistan’s new constitution and democratic teen government. Congratulations, you Kamelhumping Klusterfucks, teen you failed. Once again you don’t miss an opportunity to show the civilized world what a bunch of clue-deprived, cave-dwelling knuckleheads you are. Test over, culture failed, open the trapdoor and hit the “Reset” button. The case is attracting widespread attention in Afghanistan, where local media are closely monitoring the landmark proceedings. Wouldn’t want to miss a beheading, would you? Abdul Rahman, 40, was arrested last month, accused of converting to Christianity. And there you have it. There is absolutely NO fucking point in talking about “test case” anymore when an indictment like that can be taken seriously by the “courts” of a country.
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