His name was Terrence.  funny links turkey

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His name was Terrence.  I drove him way faster than he probably ever should have been driven, turkey poor thing.  Terrence was replaced by a giant, brand new, black 4 x 4 Dodge turkey Dakota pickup truck I named Mister T, because I'm damn clever.  Mister T got approximately 1 mile to the gallon, and I had to pay something like 450 dollars a month for the loan.  I felt like a giant badass in that truck, probably because turkey I only had to ride in the tiny inchwide strip they called a "back seat" once.  Mister T was replaced with my current car, a 1999 VW GTI.  It goes about 500 miles an hour and I will undoubtedly kill myself in a dramatic fashion behind it's wheel (Note:  I actually killed the car rather than it killing me, go figure).  Watch for it on the 11:00 news, it'll be the kind of thing they play in slow mo, over and over again, and people will be like "Jesus, who'd be stupid enough to do that!?" 
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